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Course curriculum for Alteryx

Overview of the Course

What is Data Visualization and Why Should we Use it

Exercise – Definition of Data Visualization

Key Elements of Effective Data Visualizations

Exercise – Identify and Explain your Favorite Visualization
Knowing Each Other

  • Instructor Introduction
  • Why Tableau is a Powerful Tool for Professionals
  • What We Will Cover in this Course
  • Compare Tableau Against Power BI and Qlik
  • The Tableau Range of Products
  • The 5 Tableau Products you should Know
  • Installing Tableau Desktop on your System
  • Installing Tableau Public on your System
  • Difference Between Tableau Server and Tableau Online
    • Navigating the Tableau Interface (Part 1)
    • Navigating the Tableau Interface (Part 2)
    • Connecting to Data Sources in Tableau
  • Understanding the Problem Statement
  • Exercise – Hypothesis Generation
  • Download the Superstore Dataset
  • Loading the Dataset and Getting Familiar with the Variables
  • Build your First Visualization in Tableau!
  • Exercise – Modify your Visualization for Superstore
  • Hands-On with Labels and Formatting
  • Playing Around with Colors
  • Using Filters to Build a Pivot Structure in Tableau
  • Exercise – Design State and Segment Wise Pivot
  • Exporting your Tableau Worksheet
  • The Different Chart Types in Tableau
  • Line Charts – Working with Time Series Data
  • Building Line Charts in Tableau
  • Exercise – Sales of Each Category Month-by-Month
  • Generating Map Visualizations for Geospatial Analysis
  • Map Visualizations in Tableau
  • Exercise – Sales by City Analysis
  • Bar Charts, Histograms, Scatter Plots, Bubble Charts, Pie Charts
  • Dual Axis Charts in Tableau
  • Date Dual Axis Charts in Tableau
  • Exercise – Different Chart Types for the Leadership Team
  • What are Calculated Fields?
  • Feature Engineering in Tableau – Average Shipping Time
  • Exercise – Number of Orders per State
  • Calculating the Average Order Value
  • Average Order Value for Product Sub-Categories
  • Exercise – Create new Features for Superstore
  • What are Parameters in Tableau?
  • Using Parameters to find Top N Customers
  • Using Parameters to Analyze Superstore’s Variable Values
  • Exercise – Sales and Profit Parameters
  • Joins and their Different Types in Tableau
  • Performing Data Joining in Tableau
  • What is Blending? How is it Different from Joins?
  • Download the Coffee Chain Dataset
  • Blending Data in Tableau
    • Introduction to Dashboards and their Use Cases
    • Reading Material – Dashboards in Tableau
    • Designing your First Dashboard in Tableau
    • Using Parameters to Create Dynamic Dashboards
    • Exercise – Design a Region-Level Dashboard
    • How to Upload your Work to the Tableau Public Gallery
    • Designing the Blueprint for a Multi-Dashboard View to Analyze Sales
    • Building Multiple Interlinked Dashboards in Tableau for our Business
    • The Art of Storytelling
    • 3-Step Storytelling Framework
    • Sketching the Story Blueprint
    • Profits by Region Analysis using Storyboard in Tableau
    • Exercise – Sales and Profit by Segment using Storyboards in Tableau

Where to go from here?

Attend a Free Demo Session and Meet the Expert Who Can Kickstart Your Career in Tableau

No. Other than an attitude to learn, the participants require no other pre-requisites

Please check syllabus copy….


person with zero programming knowledge can understand and gain very good knowledge of Tableau. 

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